Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex

Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex

Project: Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex
Address: 8010 South Kostner Avenue
Community: Ashburn
Ward: 18

LEED Certified: Gold

This project will implement the newly created two-story Linked Annex Prototype, designed to serve approximately 300 students. The Annex will include 9 standard classrooms, one computer classroom, a dining area with warming kitchen, an office, storage and toilet facilities. The project scope also includes the renovation of select areas within the existing school. The existing school capacity is 1,278 students, the annex will add 300 students, once the modular units are removed (360 students) the new total capacity will become 1,218 students.

LEED Features: This Linked Annex is targeted to achieve LEED for Schools Silver certification, including a minimum of 25% green roof.

Social Media:

  • Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #Stevenson
  • More Pictures on Flickr

Contract Information:


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Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex
Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex Adlai E. Stevenson School Linked Annex


Note: The street view image is an approximate location and view point. Use the arrows on the top left corner of the street view (Google Street View Arrows) to rotate the image or use the arrows on the streets to move the view point.

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