Air Force Academy Renovation

Air Force Academy Renovation

Project: Air Force Academy Renovation
Address: 3630 South Wells Street
Community: Armour Square
Ward: 11

This project converts the former Abbott Elementary School into a military high school. The scope of work includes ADA accessibility upgrades (elevator, stage lift, exterior ramps, and full toilet room renovations), warming kitchen renovation, two science labs, locker rooms, interior finish repairs, lighting replacement and retrofit, roof replacement, exterior window replacement, asbestos abatement, and landscape upgrades.

Social Media:

  • Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #AirForce

Contract Information:


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Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation
Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation Air Force Academy Renovation
Air Force Academy Renovation


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