William C. Goudy School Campus Park

William C. Goudy School Campus Park

Project: William C. Goudy School Campus Park
Address: 5120 North Winthrop
Community: Uptown
Ward: 48
Description: William C. Goudy School is located at 5120 N. Winthrop and the campus park will be located adjacent to the school on the east side. The project, which is being funded by the Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Park District and City of Chicago, has a general construction cost of $725,000. At approximately. 49,000 sq. ft., the park will consist of landscaping such as trees, shrubs, ground cover, and perennial plantings. It also includes a multi-purpose playing field, ornamental lighting and playground equipment.
Contract Information:


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William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park
William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park
William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park
William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park William C. Goudy School Campus Park


Note: The street view image is an approximate location and view point. Use the arrows on the top left corner of the street view (Google Street View Arrows) to rotate the image or use the arrows on the streets to move the view point.

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