O.A. Thorp School Campus Park

O.A. Thorp School Campus Park

Project: O.A. Thorp School Campus Park
Address: 6024 West Warwick
Community: Dunning
Ward: 38
Description: The Campus Park site improvement is a 3.1 acre site. The existing asphalt surface will be demolished in order to provide an open field with green space at the site. It will consist of the following amenities:
  • Landscaping with shade trees,
  • Trash compactor,
  • Ornamental lighting,
  • Ornamental fencing,
  • Benches and
  • Trash receptacles.
Contract Information:


To view the images below in a slideshow, click on an image below. Then, navigate through the photos using "N" for next, and "P" for previous.

O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park
O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park
O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park
O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park O.A. Thorp School Campus Park
O.A. Thorp School Campus Park


Note: The street view image is an approximate location and view point. Use the arrows on the top left corner of the street view (Google Street View Arrows) to rotate the image or use the arrows on the streets to move the view point.

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