Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse

Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse

Project: Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Address: 7001 West 59th Street
Community: Garfield Ridge
Ward: 23
Description: LEED Certified: GOLD

The 10,244-square-foot Fieldhouse design includes a large half court gymnasium, fitness and club rooms, locker rooms, pantry, gym storage, reception and an administrative office. The building will be constructed using a structural steel framing and masonry brick veneer exterior. The fenestration will include fixed windows with operable awnings at masonry openings and a glazed curtainwall system at the main entrance area. The surrounding area will be developed to include a universally accessible play-lot, parking, landscaped areas, and baseball field improvements.
Contract Information:


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Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse
Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse Valley Forge Park Fieldhouse


Note: The street view image is an approximate location and view point. Use the arrows on the top left corner of the street view (Google Street View Arrows) to rotate the image or use the arrows on the streets to move the view point.

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