Paul Cuffe Academy

Paul Cuffe Academy

Project: Paul Cuffe Academy
Address: 8324 South Racine
Community: Auburn Gresham
Ward: 21
Description: Opened for the 2003-04 school year the three-story school and grounds features 26 regular classrooms; specialized art, music, computer and science rooms; a gymnasium with handicapped-accessible bleachers; a full-service dining hall; a resource center (library) with Internet connections; and central air conditioning.

The school grounds extend through 84th Street include landscaping and two play areas adjacent to the building and, beyond, a teachers' parking lot for more than 50 cars.

The entire building is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, including elevators for persons with disabilities.
Contract Information:


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Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy
Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy
Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy
Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy
Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy
Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy Paul Cuffe Academy


Note: The street view image is an approximate location and view point. Use the arrows on the top left corner of the street view (Google Street View Arrows) to rotate the image or use the arrows on the streets to move the view point.

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