Engine Company 38

Engine Company 38

Project: Engine Company 38
Address: 3911-59 West 16th Street
Community: North Lawndale
Ward: 24

"This wonderful, modern facility will use the latest technology to address the safety and emergency response rescue needs of the people it serves. Today's firehouses are built with both firefighters and the community in mind. This is a facility the community can be proud of because it's an example of the city's continued effort to promote fire safety and make every neighborhood of Chicago a safer, better place to live, work and raise families," Mayor Richard M. Daley

The Grand Opening for the one-story, 17,500-square-foot facility was Jan. 22, 2005. The new station will house the Chicago Fire Department's 4th District Headquarters and accommodate three shifts totaling about 50 firefighters and officers replacing the old Engine Company 38 station at 2111 South Hamlin Avenue, a facility that was built in 1915,

Contract Information:


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Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38
Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38
Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38 Engine Company 38


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