Lurie Garden

Lurie Garden

Project: Lurie Garden
Address: Columbus & Monroe
Community: Loop
Ward: 42
Description: A 2.5-acre landscaped marvel on the southeast corner of the park, its design the object of an international competition. Screened from the rest of the park by tall sculpted hedges and bisected by a graceful wooden pedestrian footbridge over shallow water, the year-round garden will feature an imaginative panorama of sunny and shaded areas.

Benches, a meeting grove of flowering trees, seasonal plantings and dramatic lighting will provide different types of spaces for different purposes. Where one portion of the garden is expected to become a popular gathering spot, another will be perfect for quiet contemplation.
Contract Information: NA


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Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden
Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden
Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden
Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden
Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden
Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden
Lurie Garden Lurie Garden Lurie Garden


Note: The street view image is an approximate location and view point. Use the arrows on the top left corner of the street view (Google Street View Arrows) to rotate the image or use the arrows on the streets to move the view point.

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