Regenstein Sm. Mammal-Reptile House

Regenstein Sm. Mammal-Reptile House

Project: Regenstein Sm. Mammal-Reptile House
Address: Lincoln Park Zoo
Community: Lincoln Park
Ward: 43
Description: In 1997, the PBC worked with the Chicago Park District and the Lincoln Park Zoo to create the Regenstein Small Mammal-Reptile House , a 32,000-square-foot building housing lizards, snakes, crocodiles and other animals. The Regenstein is divided into two sections: the Gallery and the Ecosystem.

In the Gallery, visitors venture through the reptile and mammal walks and see live spiders, shrews, mole rats, bats, snakes and lizards. The Gallery includes hands-on learning stations for children.

In the Ecosystem, zoo-goers travel through a 45-foot covered dome that recreates the rain forest, desert, swamp and dry forest habitats of four continents. Amoung other animals, the ecosystem is home to squirrels, crocodiles, turtles and anteaters.
Contract Information: NA


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