John C. Coonley School Addition

John C. Coonley School Addition

Project: John C. Coonley School Addition
Address: 4046 North Leavitt Street
Community: North Center
Ward: 47
Description: LEED Certified: Silver

The project consists of a new three-story addition to the existing school and select interior renovations of the existing facility as needed to accommodate the addition. The addition will consist of a new kitchen and dining space along with 12 new classrooms. The renovation work in the existing school will consist of upgrades to the domestic water heating system, conversion of the existing dining room to 2 classrooms and conversion of classrooms at addition connection. The project will also include site development work. The addition will be designed and constructed to meet CPS standards and will achieve at a minimum LEED certification.

Social Media:

  • Follow this projects on Twitter @PBCChi #Coonley
  • More Pictures on Flickr

Contract Information:

John C. Coonley School Addition


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