Edgebrook Elementary School Addition

Edgebrook Elementary School Addition

Project: Edgebrook Elementary School Addition
Address: 6525 North Hiawatha
Community: Forest Glen
Ward: 41
Description: LEED Certified: Silver

The Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Project consists of an approximately 36,000-square-foot addition to the existing school, removal of the existing modular classrooms, and removal and reconstruction of the playground and teachers parking lot. The project will provide the school with an additional 8 classrooms, a computer room, a science room, a new lunch room and warming kitchen, as well as an additional mechanical room and new chiller well.

LEED Features: Approximately 72% of the roof of the addition will be green roof, providing a 45% green roof for the entire roof area of the school.

Social Media:

  • Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #Edgebrook
  • More Pictures on Flickr

Contract Information:


To view the images below in a slideshow, click on an image below. Then, navigate through the photos using "N" for next, and "P" for previous.

Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition
Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition
Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition
Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition
Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition
Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition
Edgebrook Elementary School Addition Edgebrook Elementary School Addition


Note: The street view image is an approximate location and view point. Use the arrows on the top left corner of the street view (Google Street View Arrows) to rotate the image or use the arrows on the streets to move the view point.

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